Hello world!
So, launch day has finally arrived. This site has been a work in progress for the last couple of weeks and I’m now finally happy, or atleast content, with how it looks. It’s been a kind of troublesome yet quite fun ride (it took me some time to learn my ways around Jekyll and all of its’ functions and bits and pieces, but now I’m all set, I think).
Behind the scenes
Since I don’t really know what to write in this post I thought I could write about how I built it and what tools I’ve used during the process. After all, my tagline contains the word “geekiness”. Enjoy it, I guess.
This site is powered by Jekyll and hosted on GitHub Pages. It was built with HTML5 and CSS3 and my own grid system, Begrider. The code was written by hand in SublimeText 2 with the theme Soda Dark, the color scheme Tomorrow Theme and the plugins Alignment and Prefixr. The site uses Cabin for the headings and Vollkorn for nearly all the other types of type. They’re provided by Google Webfonts. The blog posts (and pages) are written in Markdown with MarkdownPad. I occasionally use iA Writer too, just to mix things up.
That sums it up pretty nicely, and thus, the link bombing ends here.