Pop – a minimal approach to digital notetaking

After trying Squarespace Note for a few days I decided that it wasn’t really for me. Even though I feel in love with the interface I couldn’t really get over the fact that I couldn’t choose another folder other than the app’s default to save my notes to in Dropbox. I still think it’s a very competent and useful app though, but it’s just not my cup of tea. I decided to look for something else and I did find a worthy replacement: Pop.


The description from the official website describes the purpose of the app perfectly:

Pop is simply a convenient place for writing things down — that piece of paper you grab to write when you have an idea. It doesn’t help you do anything smarter or more organized.

This means that’s there’s no integration with any other service or app whatsoever. You’re only able to write down what you want to keep, and then select it all and copy it to another text editor for further editing and writing. I love that. Note was really similiar to my default text editor, iA Writer, while Pop certainly isn’t. I can only use one blank “canvas” to write down my ideas and thoughts. There’s nothing to fiddle with. That feels quite refreshing to be honest (I actually wrote the majority of this post in said app). My handwriting is incredibly messy so it’s nice to have an app that can quite frankly replace my need for an actual physical notebook.

Pop for iOS (with a swedish keyboard)

I feel confident that Pop is going to prove itself useful for me. I’m absolutely certain that I’m going to continue to use it as a springboard for ideas, blog posts and just general thoughts. Just like how it’s meant to be used, in my opinion.

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