Installing dwm on Crunchbang Linux
Note: I started to write this guide a couple of days ago, before I yet again went distrohopping. I now run a minimal Debian Testing setup on my netbook but I thought it would be a good idea to post it nonetheless.
After trying both Crunchbang Linux, Manjaro Linux, a couple of days of Peppermint OS and a week long stint with Lubuntu I went back to using Crunchbang. It was my first Linux distribution and I still think it’s fits my needs perfectly. I really like that it’s lightweight while still being a fully functional operating system.
While I was running Lubuntu I played around with dwm
and fell in love with it, so when I decided to reinstall Crunchbang I really
wanted to use it too. The process wasn’t as straight forward as it was on
Lubuntu, but after a few tries and with the help of this blog
I managed to get it to run flawlessly. I thought that I would be an good idea to
write it all down, so with no further ado, here’s a short guide on how to
install and configure dwm
to run on Crunchbang Linux.
First you need to install dwm
sudo apt-get install dwm
To fully customize it you need to configure it and install it from source, but
since I’m happy with the way it looks I’ll just use the standard package for
now. dmenu is a great tool to have too, but
the package suckless-tools
is actually installed by default which means that
you don’t have to install it yourself.
These packages are by no means neccessary, but they’re quite handy to have:
sudo apt-get install unclutter
sudo apt-get install feh
sudo apt-get install acpi
will hide your mouse cursor, feh
will help you set the wallpaper
and acpi
will display your battery’s status directly on the dwm
status bar.
You can leave out acpi
if you’re not using a laptop.
The wallpaper
Open up the terminal and type the following (use one of the four layout alternatives):
feh --bg-[tile|center|scale|seamless] path/to/file.ext
This will create a small file called .fehbg
in your home directory.
The startup script
Create a file called dwm-startup
somewhere in your PATH with the following
content (and don’t forget to make it executable1):
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Set `feh` to change the wallpaper
source $HOME/.fehbg
# Set `unclutter` to hide the cursor after a second of inactivity
unclutter -root -idle 1 &
# Start `dwm` with a modified status bar
while true; do
xsetroot -name "Db: $(dropbox status) | B: $(acpi -b | awk '{ print $4 $5 }'
| sed 's/,/ \/ /g') | V: $(amixer get Master | awk '/Front Left:/{ print $5 }'
| sed 's/\[\|\]//g') | $(date '+%d %b %Y') | $(date '+%H:%M')"
sleep 10s
done & exec dwm
The status bar will display an output that’ll roughly look like this:
Db: Idle | B: 50% / 01:30:00 | V: 50% | 01 jan 2000 | 12:00
One thing that’s worth noting is that the official Dropbox CLI script is NOT installed on Crunchbang by default, so you have to set it up by yourself.
Create a file in your home directory called .xinitrc
and add the following
content (make it executable too):
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Load .Xresources
xrdb -merge $HOME/.Xresources
# Set the default window manager
# Start `Openbox`/`dwm`
case $1 in
exec openbox-session
exec dwm-startup
This will load your .Xresources
file, which contains a couple of vital
settings for X, and the window manager of your choice.
It’ll fallback on using Openbox as the default.
Now it’s time to configure SLiM (the default login
manager) by editing the slim.conf
file that’s located in /etc
. Uncomment the
following line:
login_cmd exec /bin/sh - ~/.xinitrc %session
And comment out this line:
login_cmd exec /bin/bash -login /etc/X11/Xsession %session
This needs to be configured since dwm
doesn’t use a autostart file by itself.
The next thing you’ll have to do is to add dwm
to the part that says
sessions openbox-session,dwm
The grand finale
Now it’s time for you to reboot and press F1
when the login screen appears to
choose which window manager to use. Make sure that you’re using dwm
, log in
and you’re done!
To make a file executable, open up the terminal and type
chmod +x file.ext
. ↩