should.lua: bringing BDD-style assertions to Lua

After having released three smaller libraries for Lua I embarked on a pretty ambitious journey: to create a BDD-style assertion library, which I then named should.lua. Busted has been my testing framework of choice and I’m a big fan of it, but I don’t really like using assert when I use describe and it in my tests. Now I can write my tests like this:

describe('A test', function()
  it('should do something', function()
    should.Equal(true, true)

expect is also available:

describe('A test', function()
  it('should do something', function()

expect is actually just a thin “wrapper” for the should library, which I hacked together using the recommended way for creating classes in Lua. It was a challenge, but a pretty fun one. However, it’s far from finished so pull requests are always welcome!

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