Using npm scripts

While playing with React, Babel, Browserify and cssnext I decided to use npm scripts instead of relying on a build system. One of the benefits of using scripts, other than having fewer dependencies in your project, is that the node_modules/.bin directory gets added to your PATH. This makes it easy to work with modules that you only use for development.

Here’s the scripts field from the package.json file:

  "scripts": {
    "start": "npm install && npm run setup && npm run dist",
    "setup": "rm -rf dist && mkdir dist",
    "dist": "npm run js && npm run css && npm run html",
    "js": "browserify -t babelify -g uglifyify -e src/js/index.js > dist/index.js",
    "css": "cssnext -c src/css/index.css > dist/index.css",
    "html": "cp -r src/*.html dist/",
    "serve": "http-server -p 5555 dist/",
    "deploy": "git subtree push --prefix dist origin gh-pages"
  • start and dist are “shortcuts” for the other scripts.
  • setup takes care of clearing and creating the dist folder.
  • js runs JavaScript files through Browserify, which transforms and minifies them into a single file.
  • css runs the CSS file through cssnext and compresses the output.
  • html copies the HTML file.
  • serve serves the dist folder.
  • deploy deploys the dist folder to the gh-pages branch.

To run a script you run npm run <script>. start also has a shortcut, which is npm start. If you can’t remember the name of a script you can list them all by running npm run.

A note on Windows support

On my Windows machine I use Git Bash, which gives me access to common UNIX tools. You can use modules like rimraf, mkdirp and ncp as replacements for rm -rf, mkdir -p and cp -r to make the scripts more portable.

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